Saturday 18 June 2016


Apologies for not being really active on my blog recently. I have been so busy with events, meetings and just general life. I feel that my life has been on super fast mode for the past month and haven't had time to sit and relax at all. Another major issue is bloody technology, my laptop decided to die on me a few months ago and I haven't managed to get it fixed properly yet, I am using my Auntie's laptop temporarily but it's a little slow and needs an update so I find it difficult writing on there. 
I am staying with Kate at her sister's house for a few days and am taking full advantage of using their mac and writing up some posts i've been meaning to write for a while. 
The crazy life of Leesh, I have been up to a lot this month and have spent a lot of my time in London.  I went to attend a meeting with the Young Person's Advisory Group where we discussed the charities future - I am going to write a separate blog post about this as it covered something important that I want to share with you in more detail. 
I was also on another interview panel where I interviewed the new trustee of CLIC Sargent, I always find these very important as I feel not only is the experience good for me, being on the other side of the panel but also I feel that young people should and always do have a say within the charity and it's decision making. Some of you may think..'here she goes again..CLIC Sargent bla bla bla' but I honestly feel extremely passionate about the charity and it is something I will be involved with for the rest of my life. I truly believe that you aren't aware of how important charities are until you, a family member or friend needs and uses their services. 
I think that's all the little bits I wanted to say, mostly I just wanted to say sorry for not being as active on here as I usually am. As you all know this blog is my little world of getting away and letting my mind wonder! 

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